Friday, 3 May 2019


I had a very nice start to my week. I went to see the Doc for a medication review, and he said that I can now stop taking one of the anti-depressants I am on with a few to come off them completely is the not so distant future! Woop woop!

I was prescribed anti-depressants last year in September, the doctor said it can take a little trial and error to find the right type for you. I was initially prescribed fluoxetine (prozac) which for the first 2 weeks made me feel worse. This is a normal side affect and it does subside. Unfortunately it didn’t help with my low moods so the doc then prescribed me Sertraline. Now this worked like a charm. It didn’t completely remove the symptoms of depression, but it did dull them down enough to a manageable level.
Sertraline however did dull down all my other emotions. I know some people have said they don't like to feel nothing at all, but I found that the better alternative than all-out depression.
One of the symptoms I did suffer with is insomnia. I had it for about 2 months where I could initially fall asleep, but without fail I’d be awake again between 2 and 3am. Now having a bad night's sleep is pretty pants at the best of times, but having 2 months worth in no way improves your mood! So back to the doctors I want and was prescribed mertazapine. It’s from the same family as sertraline but also induces drowsiness. The first night I took mertazapine I slept like a log and woke up feeling like a new man!

Overall, the medication really helped me get things under control. I did have some wobbles along the way but they were nothing compared to what they would have been like without the medication. Talking to the doctor this week before he suggested coming off the mertazapine, I asked what sort of timeframe I could be looking at to come off the meds. He said the most important things I think anyone suffering from depression needs to know. He said it all depends on what is going on in your life has settled down. If the trigger is still present, there is no point coming off them. There is no fixed timeframe for being on medication. It all comes down to the situation of the individual.
With that in mind, it’s important to remember that medication will not cure depression or any mental illness. They help remove the symptoms, but it’s up to you to find the trigger and overcome it.

One last thing I’ll say about medication – they come with a big ‘ol leaflet about when to take them, what to avoid, side affects it! One thing they all say is to avoid alcohol. I've spoken to a few people who are on or have been on various anti-depressants and it blew my mind how many of them still drink while taking them. You're just wasting your time and prescription money if you're not going to follow the instructions for taking them. Medication will help but you have to help yourself too. Drinking while on them isn’t helping yourself.

Anyway, hope you have had a good week! Big love!
